I haven't blogged about food lately, and I must confess it's mainly because it's not going very well at the moment. As you know I started with Natalie Rose's level 5 raw food transition nearly 3 weeks ago, and first week went well. My typical food intake was as I wrote in my post couple of weeks ago, almost exactly as level 5 should be. But then by the end of week 2 I started to feel absolutely exhausted, I started to fall asleep on the train on the way to work which never has happened before! I slept more than usual and quite well at nights so when I felt so drained I just couldn't understand why. Didn't have energy nor motivation to go to gym either. And I was absolutely puzzled - I was supposed have heaps of energy - I was drinking 1,5 litres of green juice every day, eating lot's of raw vegetables and even taking supplements in form of chlorella, Siberian ginseng, milk thistle among others. The whole thing resulted in me going almost back to my "old" eating habits - whole meal toast with cheese for breakfast, coffee a bit later, cooked vegetarian meal for lunch and another cooked meal for dinner. To my further puzzlement I started to feel better.
I started transition diet again on Monday, but by Wednesday I was feeling tired again, yawning throughout the day. I did force myself to gym and felt much better after but I don't get it. What is going on? Is this toxins leaving my body and draining all my energy? If this is the case, then I should just try to hold out a bit longer and it will go over. Me falling back to oldish habits is just going to prolong the whole process, but it's hard. Wonder if any other raw foodists have experienced anything like this, so far I've just read that many have got almost instant energy kick when transforming from cooked to raw and specially when adding green juices and smoothies to the diet. I do hope it's not only me...
Today I had gazpacho for dinner, so delicious! It's hot and muggy tonight and cold soup was exactly what I needed. I must admit that I cheated though, instead of blending it together myself (it's dead easy!) I went down the lazy lane and bought New Covent Gardens fresh soup.
One more day before the weekend, hoping to go to Farmers market on Saturday to top up my fruits and veggies. Now it's time to sleep!
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