I guess it's best to let you all know that I'll be taking a break from blogging. I haven't written anything for a while, and I've been feeling a bit guilty about that. So it's best to take a break and then continue when I feel ready for it again.
Reason? There are few, main one being that there are things happening in my life at the moment that take all my energy and thoughts, leaving little for anything else. I may tell you all about it one day. And also I'm taking a break from raw food for a little while (not from green smoothies though, these are too good to be without them). I'm hoping I'll have a new start with raw food next spring/summer, for now I'm trying to stick to vegetarian cooked food (must confess some meat has been sneaking back in to my diet again).
Come back and have a look at my blog after new year, I'm hoping I'll be in writing mood again by then!
How to Organize iPhone Photos
2 days ago
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