Sunday, 22 August 2010

Good morning routine

I recently read that good morning routine sets your day - if you have healthy breakfast you're more likely to eat healthily rest of the day. I think it's probably true, during the week when I have my green smoothies for breakfast I find it much easier to stick to raw or vegan diet, than the day's I have a toast or similar. It's especially noticeable at weekends as I tend to have "normal" breakfast with my family - Marmite toast with cheese or scrambled eggs on Sunday's - I'm then more likely to eat cooked food, this weekend I even had chicken. I still try to have my green juices, usually before dinner, so at least I don't miss out on my "greens" completely. 

Haven't been at gym this week as I sprained my ankle last Friday, I fell down the stairs. My ankle is still swollen, not as painful any more, but definitely not ready for any form of exercise yet. It's a shame as I just started to get into the whole going to gym thing.

As for our little angel, that's exactly how she's been this week. It's unbelievable how the mood swings with toddlers, one minute a tantrum throwing monster, another minute a giggly adorable cute little person. She's so trying to speak now, and can string 3-4 words together: Mummy sit here! =) And the mixing of 2 languages, which was of course expected (we are doing OPOL - one parent one language, I speak Estonian with Maya), but still interesting to hear. Only 2 more months and she'll be 2 years old!

I haven't managed to take any food pix again, and I haven't tried any new recipes, so that's a bit boring. But I have been shopping a bit, here are few goodies:

Shazzie's Raw Cacao and Almond Spread

My new hair care range - John Masters Organics. I got Zinc and Sage Shampoo, Rosemary and Peppermint Detangler. Love it!

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