Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Week one of my journey towards raw food

I have been struggling with healthy eating since I was a kid. I’ve grown up on diet high in pork, bread and potatoes. During my adult years I’ve learned to cook delicious food, but it’s also been high in saturated fats and other unhealthy ingredients. My favourite foods are meat and cheese! As you can see, I’ve set myself an almighty challenge, which I know I cannot tackle on my own.

Last week I met a Natural Health Consultant. I was recommended to him by my colleague who has done his life changing program of various organ flushes. I felt that this was something I needed to help me to change my lifestyle to a healthy one. We did a Bio Scan, and it was quite interesting. It turned out that my digestive system was quite healthy despite all the “dead” food I’ve been eating all my life. Apparently this is typical for North Europeans, they have sturdy digestive systems. Lucky me! But my liver wasn’t too good, apparently it’s clogged up and cannot break down fats as it should. This explains why I can’t loose weight. I also had “tired” brain, as due to low blood pressure my brain doesn’t get enough oxygen; this explains the headaches and tiredness. And also very high levels of cortisone and low levels of ACTH (one relates to another), which explains the round belly and itchy skin. So very interesting!

So how am I going to tackle these health problems? The best way is to become a raw foodist, but considering I have meat eater for husband and 17 months old toddler who is used to cooked food, I have to find a middle way, which is 70-80 % of my food intake should be raw.

Started this Monday, and so far I have managed fairly well. I’ve had fruit salad for breakfast, raw salad for lunch and fish and veggies for dinner. Have had bad headaches, but this might be meat withdrawal syndrome… And I’m dreading the weekend, my weakest time for healthy food!

Today I’ve received Part 1 of my cleansing program – Bowel Flush. To be able to be healthy you need to have clean bowel. I’m going to start tonight, as I’m off from work rest of the week, and this is a must considering the “side effects” of the flush. I’m a bit excited and scared at the same time.

I’ll update after the “flush”.

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