Thursday, 18 August 2011

Soup for lunch?

Today's lunch was raw tomato avocado fennel soup with sprouted bread and cashew cheese:

Tomato fennel soup:

Blend 3-5 tomatoes, 1 fennel, 1 medium avocado, 1 glove garlic and 1 tbsp tamari sauce. Top with alfa alfa sprouts.

Cashew cheese:

Blend handful of cashews with 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp of nutritional yeast, 1 glove garlic and season with himalayan pink salt or celtic sea salt. I added some chives for extra flavour.

Mango and raspberry green smoothie:

1 mango
handful of frozen (or fresh) raspberries
handful of kale or spinach

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Green smoothie heaven

Dear journal, it has been over two weeks since I wrote last. I'm sorry. Anyway, it IS hard to find time, I admire all those mummy bloggers out there. Finding a spare minute between looking after 6 weeks old baby and a toddler in terrible two's is not easiest. Talking about easy, I have started with Tracy Hogg The Baby Whisperer's E.A.S.Y routine. So hopefully life will be more predictable soon, and the Y stands for You-time meaning I might find a minute for blogging now and then. Of course it doesn't help that I don't have my laptop at the moment, it's been sent for repair.

So, how has it been with raw food? It's been ok, could be better. I have been drinking my green smoothies every morning, and raw salads for lunch most days. Evenings are the hardest as I cook "normal" food for hubby and toddler so I have been eating that as well - including meat. Today has been good: mango blueberry spinach smoothie for breakfast, coconut water for snack, and Simple Salad by Katie Wood for lunch. Plan is to have Greek salad for dinner.

I've been trying to upload some pictures from my mobile, but it doesn't seem to work. Will look into this.

More updates soon!

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Another go

Our little girl is going to be a month old tomorrow - time flies! Also my husband goes back to work after being home with us and being a great help, not sure how I will manage without him being here 24/7! And on top of all I've decided to give another go with raw food transition, starting tomorrow. Is it a good time to start now when I'll be on my own with a month old baby and an active toddler? Time will show. I guess this is as good time as any other. 

So the plan is to start with Natalia Rose's raw food transition - no radical changes at once, but a more gentle and sensible transition. It still means leaving out lots of "baddies" such as bread, processed meat, cow's cheese - all my favourites. I also need to make sure I get enough protein as I'm breast feeding. I'll do lots of juicing and green smoothies to get plenty of nutrition from fresh fruit and vegetables. I'm under no illusion that it's going to be easy - I do give in to temptations very easily and when I'm stressed I often choose the easy, not so health options. And I'm bound to be stressed looking after 2 kids - at least until I get a hang of it.

I'm hoping that I'll also have more time to keep my blog journal about the progress, even if it's just a quick update from my mobile.

To start off, here is a delicious raw food ice cream recipe I made few days ago, courtesy of Raw Mums:

1 frozen banana
1 fresh banana
1-2 cups of frozen cherries (or blueberries or strawberries)
handful of fresh cherries, pitted and halved
agave syrup for taste

Blend frozen banana and cherries and fresh banana in blender until smooth and creamy, adding some agave or maple syrup. Serve with fresh berries on top, delicious! Any left over can be frozen to be eaten later.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

She's here!

Our little daughter Lily arrived exactly on her due date: 1 July. She was in hurry as well, from first contraction it took only 5 hours and out she was!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Pain and food

I'm in pain! My problem-free, healthy pregnancy has turned into a bit of a nightmare. I have SPD - Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. I have problem with walking, standing up and sitting. So basically laying down is the preferred position, which is not the most practical. I'm still working, one more week to go, and 4 weeks until due date. So not long now.

With this in my mind, the food is not high on my priority list. I feel that I can't plan what I should eat, which is a must for healthy eating. The mornings still start with green smoothies, but after that is basically whatever is easiest and least effort (read: least walking to get to). I try to have avocado and some healthy bread for breakfast. Lunch - ready made salad from shop or vegetarian sandwich or left overs from home. Dinner - something quick like a pasta or rice dish. Far from being high raw, I'm basically "ticking over" so to say. Then when I take the time to ponder about it, like now, I do find myself procrastinating again: I'll start with more raw food after the baby has come. So that's the plan for now. I might change my mind, maybe once I stop working and don't have to do anymore commuting, sitting hours behind the desk and so on, I might get motivated to add more raw food to my diet again. We'll see...

Sunday, 22 May 2011

I'm back!

I’m back! Yes, it’s been a while, but as I mentioned in my last post, things have been happening. Among other, less important things, we are expecting. Yes, another baby! Being in week 34 I feel okey-ish. Second trimester was great though, felt full of energy and content. It hasn’t been this way all the time though, first 4 months I was nauseas, lethargic, hormonal etc. Which was the main reason for the pause in updating this blog. Another reason for the break was that I was just too busy, working full-time and looking after extremely active toddler. So I had these bad guilt feelings every evening when I went to bed without updating the blog, but once I took the decision to take a break, these feelings disappeared.

Final reason I didn’t feel updating was that I had completely fallen off the wagon, as they say. I couldn’t go on my raw food journey anymore. I just couldn’t face another green juice or salad, couple of times I actually threw up my green smoothie. And the constant hunger was just too crippling to be ignored, and the only things that seemed to tame it were carbs. In any form. Toast, yes please. Pasta, mmm. Mashed potato, yummy! Even white baguette went down without much further ado. Funnily, my evening cravings were watermelon and ice cubes, but somehow I didn’t think these 2 items, even though falling into raw food category, would amount into much blogging.

So what has changed? I feel almost normal again (well, except ever bulging abdominal area and other pregnancy "side effects"). And this means I have no excuse not to eat raw food again. Of course I’m not doing any drastic dietary changes during my pregnancy, but I have slowly started to eliminate the “baddies”. And introducing the “goodies”. My long life lover Mr Cheese is being pushed aside for Mr Green Smoothie, and I have even started to juice again. My Oscar has been looking very sad...

I have been reading a lot. Raw food blogs. I’ve been looking for this inspiration, success story, something, to give me this kick in the back I need. I found one great blog – Earth Mama, which has inspired me a lot. It’s a pity the blog has been discontinued, but in a way I can understand. I guess once you’ve done it, once you have reached that ultimate goal, being high or 100% raw without much effort, what else is there to write about? You could use it as a recipe blog, but the most interesting, captivating part of raw food blogging is still the transformation. Before and after pictures? Yes please.

I still haven’t figured out what stops my own transformation, but it obviously has to be in my head (let’s put the preggie hormones aside for now). I have all the knowledge. I have the tools. I have the means. So what’s lacking? The will power? This single incident that will be the final push? The re-gigging of the brain?  I don’t know. But I’m determined to find out. And write about it. For my own benefit as much as yours. Maybe I’ll be your inspiration one day. Maybe…

So here my journey begins again…